List of Food

SASAKEI “Koyaki Sasa Komachi” Fish Cake with Cheese(ささ圭 こやきささ小町)

It is a mini-sized Fish Cake that is easy to eat. Can be shipped refrigerated or frozen in a vacuum pack. Plain and cheese flavors have a track record of export.


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KANEDAI Deep Water Red Crab Claws(カネダイ まるずわいがに爪)

Deep water red crab is boiled and frozen within one hour after landing, and has never been thawed until it reaches the customer. Therefore, you can enjoy the fresh flavor of crab. One claw is characterized by its strong elasticity and chewy texture even in the crab part.


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YAMANAKA Frozen Oyster with shell(ヤマナカ 殻付き牡蠣)

Oysters are called ''milk in the ocean" in Japan. Our oysters are immediately frozen after landing at -50 degrees in our tunnel and proton freezers. YAMANAKA select best season oysters harvested from March to June.


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YAMANAKA Frozen Scallop Meat(ヤマナカ ほたて貝柱)

Quick frozen immediately after loaded. Grown up in Sanriku, which is 3-best fishing ground in the world.


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UOKIKU SUISAN Frozen Chopped Boiled Conger Eel(魚喜久水産 刻み煮あなご)

After simmering fresh-caught conger eels that are landed at the fishing port of Miyagi prefecture, we season them with our special sauce that has perfect balanced sweet-salty taste. You can eat them simply as appetizers, but there are so many ways to enjoy Chopped boiled conger eel. You can put them on the top of white rice to make your Chopped boiled conger eel bowl, enjoy with salad, use as an ingredient of omelet and as a topping of pizza, etc. This is the traditional flavor that you will love and everyone will love.


SENREI Scallops 【CAS Frozen Process】(鮮冷 生食用ほたて貝柱)

Senrei provides the premium scallop adductors frozen by the CAS (Cells Alive System) technology which keeps not only “freshness” but aloso “Umami (taste)”.

上質なほたて貝柱を、CAS(Cells Alive System)凍結加工を施して「鮮度」のみならず「旨味」を保持した状態でご提供いたします。

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KAIYU Steamed Oyster without shell(海遊 蒸し牡蠣)

Condensed the natural taste of the oyster by just steaming the shelled oyster in the Gulf of Ogatsu as it is. Without any pretreatments, it is easily available for oyster cuisine just after defrosting under flowing water. 20 pieces in a pack (approx.25g a piece).


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ABECHO SHOTEN Abri Samma【Roasted & Marinated Pacific Saury】(阿部長商店 あぶりさんま)

It is a special dish by deeply marinating seasonal pacific sauries caught in Sanriku in sweet vinegar and grilling so that they can be toasty flavor and easy to eat including their skin.


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MARURI FOODS Frozen Aosa Nori 【Monostroma nitidum Wittrock】(マルリフーズ あおさのり【ヒトエグサ】)

From severe winter season to spring, we carefully wash our carefully cultivated and harvested Aosanori by our own process, and become a product that brings out the original color and flavor of the Aosanori.


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SASAKEI Sasakamaboko【Premium Fishcake】(ささ圭 笹かまぼこ)

This is a Sasakamaboko using only the high quality fish from Alaska coast. It is delicious kamaboko even if I unpack it.


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SASAKEI Maru Cheese(ささ圭 まるっチーズ5個入)

It is the kamaboko which wrapped and steamed the creamy natural cheese in a high-quality surimi.


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KANEDAI Peeled Shrimp 3L(カネダイ 無頭甘エビ尾付き【3Lサイズ】)

The shrimps is sweet and melt in the mouth. This product is good for commercial use. It is sealed with a film, so you don't need to worry about worsening of color and taste.


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KANEDAI Pacific saury in Soy sauce with Yuzu flavor(カネダイ さんま醤油煮【ゆず風味】)

We used a saturated steam cooker and make even bones soft and good enough to be eaten. Uneven heating does not occur compared with the product using a retort pot, and it is characteristic of this product to have its natural appearance.


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SANYOU SUISAN Raw Edible Half Shell Oyster(三養水産 生食用ハーフシェルオイスター)

It is a commercial product that you can enjoy the taste and texture that is almost the same as fresh oysters by thawing with running water. Oysters with frozen shells that can be eaten raw all year round!


pdf PDF.pdf (0.4MB)

SANYOU SUISAN Fried Oysters【Large size】(三養水産 牡蠣フライ【Lサイズ】)

Only large oysters from Miyagi prefecture were selected and carefully wrapped in a special batter, and the batter was large and the batter was crispy, and the inside was juicy.


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SANYOU SUISAN Grilled Oyster Skewers(三養水産 炙り牡蠣串)

Large oysters were steamed and roasted. Roasted oysters are carefully stabbed one by one by hand, and the original taste of oysters and the aroma of roasted oysters are exquisite.


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SANYOU SUISAN Steamed Oysters(三養水産 レンジで簡単 おつまみ蒸し牡蠣)

It is a product created by focusing on the quality of each raw material and concentrating the purchase and production in the early spring when the taste and the taste are most condensed in the season.


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KITANIHON SUISAN Abalone “Ezoawabi”(北日本水産 アワビ“エゾアワビ”)

Abalone from Ofunato City, Iwate Prefecture is called ‘Ezoawabi’, which is more expensive than ‘Kuroawabi’ or ‘Madakaawabi’. The supplier is proud of its finest quality.


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ABECHO SHOTEN Tuna-Mayo Flakes (Fish Flakes seasoned Mayonnaise)(阿部長商店 ツナマヨフレーク)

Softly steamed Sanriku tuna are thoroughly flaked and mixed with mayonnaise to make "Tuna-Mayonnaise", the classic filling of Japanese rice balls.


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ABECHO SHOTEN Iwashi Amazuni (Sardine simmered in Sweet Vinegar & Soy sauce)(阿部長商店 いわし甘酢煮)

Iwashi amazuni is a classic Japanese fish dish that sardine simmered in a sweet vinegar and soy sauce. It’s individually packaged for one serving, so it is good as side dish or for people who living alone.


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ABECHO SHOTEN Samma Shogani (Pacific Saury simmered in Ginger & Soy sauce)(阿部町商店 さんま生姜煮)

We packed in a small pack which is convenience because it is available for your microwave to keep the traditional Sanriku taste.


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ABECHO SHOTEN Saba Misoni (Pacific Mackerel simmered in Miso Sauce)(阿部長商店 サバ味噌煮)

Saba misoni is a classic Japanese fish dish that mackerel simmered in a miso based sauce. It’s individually packaged for one serving, so it is good as side dish or for people who living alone.


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SANYO SUISAN Frozen Half-Shell Oysters(三洋水産 冷凍ハーフシェルオイスター)

We carefully select every ingredient and are vigilant with our safety management by means of repeated cleaning using ozone-sterilized sea water. After the oysters are shucked, they are carefully washed one by one and then quick-frozen with nitrogen. Also, thanks to our defrosting method, our frozen oysters can be enjoyed all year, with a taste and texture that is almost indistinguishable from fresh oysters! This product stands out because of its convenience—no bothersome shucking, only use the amount you need at the time you need it—and its availability 365 days a year at a consistent quality and price.


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WIDEFOOD Wagyu Sendai Beef 【Sirloin Butt to Tri-Tip】(WIDEFOOD ‟仙台牛” ランイチ〜トモ三角)

Sendai Beef is a branded Japanese beef of A5 and B5 rank. One of the most delicious Japanese beef. Here is an introduction from Sirloin Butt to Tri-Tip.


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WIDEFOOD Wagyu Sendai Beef【Shank to Frank】(WIDEFOOD ‟仙台牛” スネ〜フランク)

Sendai Beef is a branded Japanese beef of A5 and B5 rank. One of the most delicious Japanese beef. Here is an introduction from Shank roll to Frank.


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WIDEFOOD Wagyu Sendai Beef 【Chuck roll to Brisket】(WIDEFOOD ‟仙台牛” 肩ロース〜かたばら)

Sendai Beef is a branded Japanese beef of A5 and B5 rank. One of the most delicious Japanese beef. Here is an introduction from Chuck roll to Brisket.


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DEN DEN MUSHI Pesticide-free Sasanishiki(田伝むし 無農薬ササニシキ)

After harvesting rice straw, it is returned to the rice fields to replenish the nutrients in the soil, and by not using pesticides such as herbicides, it creates an environment where various creatures on the soil and the ground are actively active and circulate. The rice was grown by absorbing natural nutrients.


GRA “MIGAKI-ICHIGO” Gold(GRA ミガキイチゴ・ゴールド)

MIGAKI-ICHIGO is strawberry brand which was born in Yamamoto-cho, Miyagi-pre. MIGAKI-ICHIGO is superiority and stable strawberry because it is cultivated by master craftmanship ×IT tech. You can enjoy MIGAKI-ICHIGO in special packages.


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SASAKISYUZOUTEN Sake Roan(佐々木酒造店 浪庵【ろあん】)

Junmai Daiginjo with a very gorgeous scent. Yamada Nishiki from Hyogo prefecture, which is said to be the finest sake rice, is used luxuriously. The gentle sweetness of rice and the fruity and pleasant taste spread in your mouth. Please enjoy it with dishes that enhance the flavor of the ingredients.


HORAIYA HONTEN Hundred Years Jiuqu Ama Sake(宝来屋本店 百年糀あま酒)

It is characterized by its natural sweetness that brings out the flavor and is refreshing. Since it contains only Jiuqu (no sugar added), it contains sugar that is easily digested and absorbed, making it ideal for sugar and hydration during fatigue. Alcohol content 0.00%.


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